Steering Committee Minutes 18/11/2014
Here are the published minutes of the first meeting of the newly elected Steering Committee, which took place online on 18/11/2014.
Here are the published minutes of the first meeting of the newly elected Steering Committee, which took place online on 18/11/2014.
The election for the Steering Committee has now ended. Thank you to all those who voted, and those who stood as candidates.
I am happy to inform you of the final results:
FOIAnet Steering Committee Members (The person with the most votes becomes the Chair)
Toby Mendel: 29 votes
Carole Excell: 28 votes
Toby McIntosh: 27 votes
Taranath Dahal: 27 votes
Ádám Földes: 25 votes
Gilbert Sendugwa: 24 votes
Alexander Kashumov: 23 votes
Ginger McCall: 17 votes
The 7 candidates with the most votes will now form the FOIAnet Steering Committee. As the person with the most votes, Toby Mendel becomes the Chair, for a second term.
I am contacting candidates to follow up with the next steps.
Here are the published minutes of the final meeting of the Steering Committee, which took place in-person in Madrid, Spain, on 1-2 July 2014.