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Below, you will find publications, model laws, training materials for the public or public officials, useful links, organisations and other resources related to the right of access to information.

SDG 16.10.2 – Measuring RTI implementation – FOIAnet Methodology

SDG 16.10.2 - measuring RTI implementation Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 16.10.2 calls on all States to adopt and implement RTI laws. To assist our members, FOIAnet developed a simple methodology for civil society organisations to use to assess implementation. It is designed to be something which members could apply relatively simply to obtain a [...]

Note: Information & Communication Technologies and Access to Public Information Laws

After a brief overview of the evolution of ATI laws in Latin America, this note deals with various key aspects of the three above-mentioned countries’ portals. Following the overview, the note is divided into several sections based on the main aspects of the portals: characteristics, design, implementation, use, and training and promotion. In English In [...]

The Role of the Inter-American Human Rights System in the Promotion of the Right to Information

SUMMARY - The Inter-American Human Rights System has played a fundamental role in promoting the right to information in Latin America. This learning material describes the mandate and composition of this system and describes its two main outcomes regarding the right to information: the Model Inter-American Law and the Inter-American Court’s paradigmatic rulings on access [...]

Where do we stand? The situation of the right to information and transparency in Latin America

Karina Banfi, Executive Secretary of the Alianza Regional para la Libertad de Expresión e Información (Regional Alliance for the Freedom of Expression and Information), talks to us about the need to approve and implement Freedom of Information Acts (FOIAs) to increase transparency and improve accountability in Latin America. She describes the region’s evolution regarding access [...]

Guide – The Latin American Approach to Transparency and Access to Information

SUMMARY - By providing greater access to public information and promoting transparency, Latin American countries seek to improve social oversight, inform citizens about government policies and programmes, advance other human rights, reduce corruption and enhance overall accountability. This ELLA Guide analyses various initiatives implemented in the region, as well as the key role played by civil society in the Latin American experience, while [...]

Policy brief – Fighting Corruption by Improving Transparency and Access to Information

SUMMARY - Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), in the last decades countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Paraguay have designed and created electronic platforms that make information about procurement and government officials’ personal assets public. These electronic platforms have guaranteed an effective and transparent flow of public information, thereby empowering citizens to identify and demand action against corruption [...]

Practice brief – Using Information for Accountability and Justice

SUMMARY - Throughout Latin America, civil society organisations (CSOs) are exacting accountability by undertaking independent assessments of the implementation and outcomes of public policies and programmes. To get the information needed for these assessments, CSOs have used the Right to Information guaranteed by Freedom of Information Acts (FOIAs), Constitutions or Court decisions. By conducting these exercises, civil society has highlighted mismanagement and inefficiencies [...]

Practice Brief – Civil Society’s Regional Network for Advancing Freedom of Expression and Access to Information

SUMMARY - The Regional Alliance for the Freedom of Expression and Information (the Alliance), an innovative civil society network, has had a major role in promoting freedom of expression and the right to information regionally. The Alliance coordinates the efforts of 23 civil society organisations (CSOs) from 19 American countries and carries outextensive advocacy work at the regional level.1 This [...]

Citizen Assessment of Budget Transparency: Latin American Budget Transparency Index

SUMMARY - Civil society organisations (CSOs) developed a new benchmarking exercise to assess and compare levels of budget transparency across countries in order to address a specific transparency problem: budget information may be available, but it is not useful. Since 2001, CSOs and academic institutions have implemented the Latin American Budget Transparency Index (Índice Latinomericano de Transparencia Presupuestaria - LABTI) to [...]

Policy Brief – Building the Legal Framework to Support Trasparency and Access to Information in Latin America

In the last two decades, Latin American countries - including Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Uruguay, among others - have designed and adopted Freedom of Information Acts (FOIAs). These FOIAs have increased transparency of government actions, ensured citizens’ right to request and access public information, and enhanced overall accountability. This Brief describes [...]

Carter Centre Access to Information and Transparency Events Calendar

To enhance cooperation and coordination, the Center's Global ATI Initiative has developed the international access to information and transparency calendar of events, including posts on conferences, workshops, summits, retreats, and training sessions. If you would like to post an event, please click here

Booklet for tracking Freedom of information requests by communities

Complex monitoring templates including online systems have been used by civil society groups all over the world to monitor and track the results of Freedom of information requests. However communities often need a simple tool to record what has happened to their Freedom of information requests once sent to government agencies. Methods to track the [...]

The Jakarta Declaration

The Jakarta Declaration marks an important step forward for improving access to information about air and water in Asia. This comprehensive Declaration provides governments with concrete ideas for boosting access to information and safeguarding citizens from projects that may negatively impact air and water quality. But a roadmap is only worthwhile if it’s actually used. [...]

Top 10 things to do in first six months to implement a Freedom of information law

The Access Initiative has come up with a list of top ten actions that governments should consider when they are beginning implementation. This list may also be used as a tool by civil society to monitor government implementation practices. is a one-stop portal that describes best practices, consolidates lessons learned, explains campaign strategies and tactics, and links the efforts of freedom of information advocates around the world. It contains crucial information on freedom of information laws and how they were drafted and implemented, including how various provisions have worked in practice.

Security in a Box Security in-a-box is a project by Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line Defenders, with the aim to reinforce the digital security and privacy needs of human rights defenders. Its website includes extensive information on digital security issues, as well as instructions on how to use software tools to protect your information. The Carter Centre is a Non-Governmental Organisation based in Atlanta, US that is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering. The Center has helped to improve life for people in more than 80 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human rights, and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; improving [...]

Level Up Level Up is an organization committed to digital safety. It explores advice from fellow digital safety trainers, offers workshops or the opportunity to start your own workshop, and aims to enrich the resources available to the global digital safety training community. Access is an International Human Rights Organisation, defending and extending the digital rights of users around the world. By combining innovative policy, user engagement, and direct technical support, they fight for open and secure communications for all.  

Global Right to Information Update: An Analysis by Region

8 July 2013 - Today, the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet) launched a major global analysis of the development of the right to information (RTI) movement, broken down by region. The publication follows FOIAnet’s celebration of its 10th anniversary on International Right to Know Day, 28 September 2012. The Update, which was co-authored by [...]