International Right to Know Day

RTK DAY 2024

RTK DAY 2023

RTK DAY 2022

RTK DAY 2021

The International Day for Universal Access to Information 2021 highlights the importance of expanding access to information laws, and their implementation worldwide to build back strong institutions for sustainable development and to uphold the vision of information as a public good, as well as to strengthen international cooperation in the field of implementing the right to information as a fundamental right.

RTK DAY 2020

Download the visual identity of International Day for Universal Access to Information, which includes web and stand-up banners, email signature and poster.

RTK DAY 2019


Communications materials, including web banners, are available for download, as part of the visual identity of the International Day for Universal Access to Information. In 6 different languages.


Follow International Day for Universal Access to Information on social media:

 #AccessToInfoDay  #RightToKnow

RTK DAY 2018

RTK DAY 2017

[title=”1″]RTK DAY 2016 [/fusion_title]

Find out more…

Since 2002, when the FOIAnet was established, organisations and activists have organised events on 28 September to raise awareness on the right of information and to campaign for open, democratic societies in which there is full citizen empowerment and participation in government.
The decision to celebrate and promote 28 September as the International Right to Know Day was taken on the last day of a Freedom of Information Litigation Workshop held 26-28 September 2002 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Representatives of Freedom of Information (FOI) organizations from 15 countries took part – Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, India, Latvia, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Rumania , Slovakia, South Africa, and USA, as well as representatives of international organizations active in the FOI field.
Every year since 2002, conferences, trainings, competitions, awards ceremonies, rock and pop concerts, theatre performances, movies, info-requesting campaigns, new FOI web sites, focused publications, etc. have aimed to further promote this fundamental human right on 28 September and encourage citizens, journalists and NGOs in their search for government held information.
There are many things you as an individual or organisation can do to be involved and help to raise awareness about the right of access to information on International Right To Know Day. Take a look at this booklet to be inspired.

Right to Know Day 2014

By |August 1st, 2014|rtkd|

#IRTKD2014 Organisations and activists from around the world will be celebrating International Right to Know Day 2014 on and around 28 September. Many events will be taking place all over the world, such as book [...]

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